Aprajta Srivastava on WDF University For SDG2030


The 2030 agenda comprising of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to end poverty and deprivation from the Globe, sustain the planet’s resources and preserve the climate and environment. The agenda was adopted in 2015 and now after five years, three billion people in developing countries, who are the largest producer of food for world’s consumption, suffer from mal-nutrient, climate changes, drought, floods, lack of resources such as fertilizers, seeds etc, and market shocks. The problem can be tackled by adopting Knowledge AgricultureTM for which a massive program of educating and upgrading the skills of farmers are required. Execution of technology assisted skill development projects in part of India and Ethiopia and their sustained monitoring for many years by us showed inspiring changes in rural behaviour and willingness of farmers and related population to adopt the new technology.

WDF University for SDG2030 has been established with a mission to educate & train farming and other populace to increase their income by use of modern methods using broadcasting & Communication technologies and also make an effort to introduce high level technologies such as IOT, Robotics, UAV to automate and spread knowledge in the fields of education, agriculture, healthcare, livelihood generation and removal of ignorance.

I have been teaching by lecturing, producing courses for livelihood generation to people around world as my contribution towards achieving SDG2030. A few video courses are mentioned below. More videos can be watched at Videos or full courses at WDF University for SDG2030

WDF University: Livelihood generation courses for SDG2030

Quail raising for quick profit ! تربية السمان من أجل الربح السريع ! त्वरित लाभ के लिए बटेर पालन

Honeybee keeping ! मधुमक्खी पालन ! تربية النحل ! abeille

Goat Sheep rearing in English ! تربية الماعز والأغنام ! Elevage de chèvres / moutons

Practical and economic aspects of milk production दूध उत्पादन के व्यावहारिक और आर्थिक पहलू الجوانب العملية والاقتصادية لإنتاج الحليب Aspects pratiques et économiques de la production laitière

Mixed Fish farming

Scientific method of Bottle gourd (kaddu) Farming लौकी की खेती Culture de la courge زراعة القرع

Scientific method of Cauliflower Seed Production फूलगोभी के बीज की खेती زراعة بذور القرنبيط Culture de graines de chou-fleur

Evolution of Mass Media ! Évolution des médias de masse ! تطور وسائل الإعلام Source: Aprajita Srivastava, WDF University

Unmanned Aerial Robotics (UAVs) for Agricultural Applications

Scientific Cultivation of Paddy धान की वैज्ञानिक खेती زراعة الأرز العلمية Culture scientifique du paddy

Controlling Weeds in Paddy

Seed Production techniques

Eggplant (Brinjal) Farming बैंगन की खेती زراعة الباذنجان Élevage d’aubergines


WDF University for SDG2030 has been established with a mission to educate online the importance of SDG2030 to world population and to achieve the SDG Goals by providing professional courses for continuing education and lifelong learning opportunities.

The Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. The SDGs, set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and intended to be achieved by the year 2030, are part of UN Resolution 70/1, the 2030 Agenda.

The empowerment and autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and health status is essential for the achievement of sustainable development. In all parts of the world, women are facing threats to their lives, health and well- being. In most regions of the world, women receive less formal education than men. Improving the status of women also enhances their decision-making capacity at all levels in all spheres of life, especially in the area of sexuality and reproduction. Under this section, we shall learn how to improve their life as enshrined in SDG.

One billion world population suffers from hunger and malnutrition. Our analysis of SDG2030 Goals shows that education and skill development can address:
GOAL 1: No Poverty
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 15: Life on Land
and many more.